Your phone beeps, and you check to see the amount of money in your account. You then lay your head on your pillow and close your eyes in an attempt to sleep. You turn to the left and then to the right, but because you've got your mind on your money and your money on your mind, the sleep is no where to be found.
You tell yourself "I'll sleep when I'm rich...the God I serve won't fail me, I will be rich, I must be rich, I won't suffer like my parents did...never...I must be rich, I must have money...God make me rich, please make me, money, money...and then you fall asleep.
Who do you think you are truly serving? Be absolutely honest, who?
Are you really attempting to use the power He has freely given you through Jesus to turn stone into bread, instead of using it to please Him and further His agenda and fulfil the purpose for which He created you?
Lecrae says it perfectly in his song "Change"
"Is Christ just a means to money plus health? You're the master, He's the dummy? No!"
Your motto is "get rich or die trying!". If you were to actually die chasing money as your ultimate, you would have died wasted."Vanity of vanities" says the preacher, "all is vanity"(Ecc12:8).
God's Kingdom and His righteousness are the the things we should be desperately seeking and panting after, and our benevolent King has bountifully made provision for all our needs in His Kingdom Welfare Package. (Matt6:33).
The reason many of us haven't been beneficiaries of that package is because we are still seeking the "things" in the guise of seeking Him i.e "so you said I'll get the money if I seek God? Niiice, let's do this!"
Are you really trying to scam the God that created all things seen and unseen?
You may get the wealth if you continue down this path, but it will never be enough and that's because your true desire is to be who He created you to be and not a false treasure hunter.
Bounce money off the throne of your heart, and let God take His rightful place in your life. You ultimately will have no regrets!
Be Spekky...Be Spectacular!
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