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Monday, August 15, 2011

A New Begining....+ Song of The Day: Get Up (Mary Mary)

A while ago I Toluwani Obayan coined a quotation: " A new beginning is not next year, a new beginning is when you want it to be". I used to think that having a fresh start had to coincide with a fresh start on the Calendar, but then one day it hit me after talking with a friend, that waiting for the calendar to blow the whistle for my fresh start was a mere waste of time and was going to be a time waster for the rest of my life if I continued down that road. I've done some things in the past that I am in no way proud of but, if I want to make progress in life I've got to let go of those things.I have to act like those things never existed because if I don't every positive advancement I make will be tainted by the emotional blackmail of the memories of my past.

The time to start afresh is NOW..I am a Christian and I believe totally in Jesus Christ....Jesus also talks about new beginnings(2Corinthians5:17). More or less he says that when any person becomes a part of him..he is entirely new....the past never existed...all that exists is your new life with him..meaning all the guilt doesn't need to be there anymore all the things you think you did in the past are just a figment of your imagination..stop beating yourself up...It took me a while to learn this..and it was only through Jesus that I was sincerely able to start afresh...Now I feel really free..the burden of guilt has vanished and I'm free to hope in anticipation of the glorious future that I'm sure is ahead of me....Do the same and save yourself the Guilt, worry, chaos and heartache..you've got soooOOO much ahead of you don't be blind to it because of the things in your past....Tell him you wan't to start afresh and never regret it...You might think Oh no, another preacher! It's not about preaching..this is just the truth, I'm sure you've tried everything else and nothing has helped, that's because this is the only way to have a sincere new beginning,don't give up just when you have the solution before your very eyes.Start afresh NOW..remember "A new beginning is not next year,but when you want it to be".
Here's and opportunity to Be truly Spekky, Be Spectacular!

Friday, August 12, 2011


If you are here looking at this adorable joy filled and hope giving page..you're definitely in the right place! Welcome to Spekky for Spectacular...I'm special you're special but we don't always know how special we are...Spekky by God's grace will help you discover the Spekky in you, bring out the Spekky in you and make the  Spekky in you far out shine the Un-spekky in you (we all have those..sometimes they keep us balanced)..You can be be better than you are now..Never ever be satisfied with where you are now cos if you are that's as far as you will ever go...I begin a journey today and you all are invited to go on that journey with me...I'm sure we'll be pleased when we reach our destination cos we won't be roaming endlessly we will be following a master plan....Start your Spekky Journey today.Be Spekky be Spectacular :)